Talk To A Doctor is brought to you by Paelon Memorial Hospital, a multi-specialist boutique and protocol driven hospital. With an excellent track record in ten years of existence, Paelon Memorial Hospital earned the first SafeCare 5-star award in Africa for quality of care and quality improvement.
Dear Doctor, my sister is 39 years old, she has been unable to have a baby through natural birthing, we are thinking of IVF as an option and would like to know how successful it is? Also, is there a regulatory body for IVF, or any Hospital and health care practitioner can carry out the procedure?
Dear Reader,
Invitro Fertilization is an option available for your Sister. It helps couple having issues in achieving spontaneous pregnancy. It provides previously infertile couples the opportunity to conceive children on their own thereby realizing their dreams of parenthood. It is not restricted to a certain age.
However, the chances of successful IVF’s decrease with the woman’s age. The success rate for IVF depends on a few factors such as the cause of infertility, woman’s age and the place where the procedure is done. However, pregnancy rate ranges from 35% to 50%.
In Nigeria, there are currently no laws governing the practice of IVF. However, in developed countries of the world like the UK, a regulatory body such as Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA) oversees and makes policy regarding Artificial Reproductive technology (ART). Most centers in Nigeria operate based on the HFEA guidelines. Although a bill for the establishment of the Nigerian Assisted Reproduction Authority has been presented by the Association for Fertility and Reproductive (AFRH) to the Nigerian parliament, it is yet to be passed
Yes, there are fertility clinics that can carry out such procedures in Nigeria. A good example is Paelon-Lily Fertility Clinic. These clinics consist of dedicated doctors, nurses and embryologists who have been trained to carry out the procedure.
Dear Doctor, my partner of 6 years is very hideous with his sexual health and has transmitted STI’s to me severally, how do I get him to know that sexual health is wealth?
Dear Reader,
A good relationship requires effective communication. As sexual health is part of our general health, it should be discussed freely in a relationship.
Discussing STIs can be quite difficult in some relationship. However, scheduling an appointment with a health care provider to learn more about their sexual health can be a way forward. Such consultation would include information on STIs( causes, complications, prevention, possible ways to test and treatments).
Also, the internet is also a great tool to learn more about STIs. Credible sites like CDC and WHO can also give a lot of information. It is important to know that getting treatment early is a good way to prevent possible complications and also a way to live a healthy sexual life.
Dear Doctor, my Grandparents are in their early 70’s, they always complain of weakness in their arms and legs, what vitamins can you suggest they should take to combat this weakness?
Dear Reader,
Treating elderly patients require patience and time. It is important to note that the older we become the weaker the immune system and the possibility of co- morbid states like stroke or diabetes.
Weakness of the arms and legs should be properly evaluated to rule out the possibility of stroke or any other ailment. I would suggest that after a proper evaluation, the doctor can then know if it appropriate to consume vitamins or not. Every patient is individualized.
Dr Eniola Hassan is a Medical Officer with Paelon Memorial Hospital. He graduated from the College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Nigeria with a Bachelor of Medicine; Bachelor of Surgery (MB:BS)
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